Rev. Dr. Megan E. Leary
Hello! I am Rev. Dr. Megan Leary, but please feel free to just call me Megan! I have been the Pastor of the Central Congregational Church since May 2007. Before coming here to Orange I served a National Association of Continuing Congregational Churches congregation in Colchester, CT. I grew up in Worcester, MA where I attended Holy Name High School and moved on to Anna Maria College in Paxton where I majored in Social Work. I earned my Master of Divinity at Andover Newton Theological School, graduating in 2002 and was ordained at Greendale People's Church in Worcester on June 9 the same year. I earned my Doctor of Ministry degree from Bangor Theological Seminary in 2010.

In addition to being the Pastor of the Congregational Church of Orange I am a full time wife and mother. Bill works at Fidelity Investments in Rhode Island as a Scrum Master and serves as a Deacon of the church. We have two boys--Connor and Patrick who are learning the "ins and outs" of being "PKs" (Preacher's Kids). Together we enjoy hiking, playing games, being silly and playing with our ShiPooh Finnegan McCartney.